Tuesday, January 31, 2017

My Rite Aid Shopping Trip Tuesday 1/31/17

My Rite Aid Shopping Trip
Tuesday 1/31/17

The Pantene Checkout51 Cash Back Offer has RUN OUT!
I'm hoping for a RESET on Thursday 2/2

The Simply Venus Razors ARE on Sale $2.00 OFF (Reg $6.99)
BUT they are NOT Tracking for the Points Blizzard!

2 Always Radiant Pads Sale 2/$8.00
2 Tampax Radiant Tampons Sale 2/$8.00
Total = $38.67

(1) $3.00/2 Always Pads 11ct+, Liners 30ct+ or Wipes 20ct+ Coupon 1/29 P&G Insert Exp 2/11/17
(1) $3.00/2 Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons 16ct+ Coupon 1/29 P&G Insert Exp 2/11/17
(2) $4.00/1 ALMAY Product Printable Mfg Coupon ~ NLA
Total = $23.67

USE PlentiPoints to Reduce/Eliminate OOP Expense
EARN 1000 Points Blizzard PlentiPoints WYS $30 ~ Limit 2

RECEIVE $.50 Cash Back from Checkout51 WYB 1 CHARMIN Exp 2/8/17 (Included in NFL Game Day Bonus) >>HERE<<
RECEIVE $1.00 Cash Back from Checkout51 WYB 1 Always Infinity or Radiant Collection Pads Exp 2/8/17 (included in NFL Game Day Bonus) >>HERE<<
RECEIVE $1.00 Cash Back from Checkout51 WYB 1 Tampax Pearl or Radiant Tampons Exp 2/1/17 (included in NFL Game Day Bonus) >>HERE<<
PLUS RECEIVE $1.00 Cash Back from Checkout51 WYB 3 NFL Game Day Bonus Items Exp 2/1/17 (receive bonus following friday) >>HERE<<

Final Price = $10.17 for ALL 7 Items OR $1.45ea
(PLUS $8.67 spent towards 2nd $30 threshold)

Thank you for using my links to support Extreme Couponing Mommy!
By using my links it helps to keep my affiliation with these companies for you,
and to help offset the costs involved in keeping the page running.

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NEW Printable Coupons & Cash Back Offers

NEW Printable Coupons & Cash Back Offers

🎉🎉 IF you would like me to continue to create all the Direct Links Every Day
for the NEW Printable Coupons PLEASE be sure to USE MY LINKS! 🎉🎉

Creating these individual links every day is the MOST time consuming task BY FAR of anything I create in my blog, and I want to be sure that I am devoting my time where it benefits everyone the most!

SAVE $1.00 ON TWO when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor General Mills Big G Cereals: Cheerios™ • Cinnamon Toast Crunch™ • Chex™ • Lucky Charms™....
Save $1.25 on any FIVE (5) Campbell's® Condensed Soups
SAVE $1.50 on any TWO (2) SNICKERS® Brand or TWIX® Brand Bites Bags
SAVE 75¢ on ONE (1) package of any OSCAR MAYER® lunch meat in ZIP-PAK® packaging
SAVE 75¢ on any ONE Kellogg's Corn Flakes® Cereal
SAVE 50¢ ON ONE when you buy ONE any flavor/variety 4 OZ OR LARGER Food Should Taste Good™ Tortilla Chips, Kettle Chips..
SAVE $1.00 ON ONE when you buy ONE BOX any flavor Yoplait® Go Big™ yogurt pouches 
Save $1.00 on the purchase of any two (2) HORMEL® Pepperoni products
Save $0.75 on any (1) one SeaPak product 8 oz. or larger
SAVE 30¢ ON ONE when you buy ONE CUP any flavor Liberté® yogurt
SAVE 50¢ ON ONE when you buy ONE PACKAGE of any Annie's™ Baking Products
SAVE $1.00 on any TWO (2) MET-Rx® single bars
Save $1.00 on any (2) TWO Weight Watchers® Cheese items
SAVE $1.00 On any ONE (1) bottle of Soy Vay® Marinade
Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) multipack or canister of BOOST® Nutritional Drink or Drink Mix
GET $2.00 OFF any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES® Diapers
GET $2.00 OFF any ONE (1) PULL-UPS® Training Pants or GOODNITES® Bedtime Pants or Bed Mats
GET $0.50 OFF any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES® Wipes 56ct or higher
GET $1.50 OFF any ONE (1) package of HUGGIES® Wipes 336ct or higher
SAVE 1.00 off any THREE (3) Gerber® Graduates® Meals or Sides items 
SAVE 1.00 off any THREE (3) Gerber® Graduates® Puffs, Lil' Crunchies®, or Yogurt Melts™ items 
SAVE 1.00 When you buy any FOUR (4) Gerber® 1st Foods, 2nd Foods, or 3rd Foods
SAVE 1.00 When you purchase any SIX (6) Gerber® Grabbers™ or Organic Pouches
50¢ OFF ONE Cascade® Platinum Dish Detergent
Save $1.50 Off White Cloud® Bath Tissue (Only at Walmart) 
Save $1.00 Off any White Cloud® GreenEarth® Toilet Paper or Paper Towels (Only at Walmart) 
Save $1.00 Off any White Cloud® Facial Tissue (Only at Walmart)
$2.00 OFF ONE Unstopables™ by Febreze® Candle
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) Kiwi® Cleaners product
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) Kiwi® Protectors product
$2.00 OFF ONE Olay®, Ivory® or Old Spice® Duo Dual-Sided Body Cleanser
Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Schick® Hydro® Razor or Refill
$3.00 OFF TWO Vicks® VapoInhalers
$3.00 OFF TWO Vicks® Sinex™ LiquiCaps products
$3.00 OFF TWO Vicks® Sinex™ Nasal Spray products
$3.00 OFF TWO Vicks® DayQuil™, NyQuil™ OR Severe products
$5.00 OFF TWO Prilosec OTC® 42ct products 
$2.00 OFF ONE Prilosec OTC® product
SAVE $1.00 on any one (1) One A Day® Kids product
$2.00 OFF any ONE (1) Mucinex® 12 Hour product 14 count or larger
SAVE $2.00 on any TWO (2) SHEBA® Meaty Tender Sticks Treats for Cats

NEW Tuesday 1/31/17
Save $1.00 Off any one (1) bag or box of Crunchmaster products 
SAVE $4.00 On Any One (1) Enfagrow™ Product

NEW Monday 1/30/17
SAVE $1.00 on ONE (1) Sunsweet® Pacific Tropicals 5oz or 8oz Mango, 5oz Green Mango, 3oz Coconut, or 6 oz Pineapple

NEW Coupons.com Printable Coupons Sunday 1/29/17
SAVE 75¢ on any ONE Kellogg's® Special K Nourish® Cereal
SAVE $2.00 on any TWO Kellogg's® Special K® Protein Meal Bars and/or Protein Shakes
Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Campbell's® Homestyle Soups
$2.00 OFF on ONE (1) GARNIER® WHOLE BLENDS™ Shampoo, Conditioner or Treatment
$1.00 OFF ONE Charmin® Ultra Soft or Strong 6 Mega Roll, 9 Big Roll, 12 Double Roll or larger
$1.00 OFF ONE Charmin® Essentials Soft OR Essentials Strong 12 ct or larger
SAVE $0.50 on any ONE (1) COTTONELLE® Toilet Paper (6-pack or larger)
SAVE $0.50 on any ONE (1) COTTONELLE® Flushable Cleansing Cloth (42 ct or higher)
$1.00 OFF ONE Bounty® Paper Towels 6 ct or larger
50¢ OFF ONE Puffs® Facial Tissue 3 ct or larger
$0.50 OFF ONE COVERGIRL + Olay Product
$1.00 OFF ONE Daisy Disposable Razor Pack (4ct or larger)
SAVE $1.00 on any TWO (2) Ziploc® brand bags 
SAVE $1.00 on any TWO (2) Ziploc® brand Slider Bags 
SAVE $1.00 on any TWO (2) Ziploc® brand containers 
Save $2.00 on one (1) package of Tidy Cats® brand LightWeight Cat Litter, any size, any variety 
Save $1.05 on one (1) package of Tidy Cats® brand Clumping Cat Litter, any size, any variety
Save $2.00 on one (1) 3.5lb or larger bag of Purina ONE® brand dry cat food, any variety
Save $1.50 on one (1) bag of Purina ONE® SmartBlend® dry dog food, any size, any variety
Save $0.75 on four (4) cans of Purina ONE® SmartBlend® wet dog food, any variety
Save $2.00 on one (1) 3.8lb or larger bag of Purina® Dog Chow® Natural brand Dog Food or Purina® Puppy Chow® Natural brand Puppy Food
Save $2.00 on one (1) 15.5lb or larger bag of Purina® Dog Chow® brand Dog Food or Purina® Puppy Chow® brand Puppy Food, any variety
SAVE $1.00 on any one (1) MiraLAX® product 
$1.00 OFF on any ONE (1) Gaviscon® Product
Save $1.00 on any Gas-X 48ct or higher 
Save $1.00 on any Ex-Lax 
Save $2.00 on any Prevacid®24HR 14ct 
$1.50 OFF on TWO (2) Tums® 32 count or larger 
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) BENEFIBER® product 
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) CITRUCEL® Powder
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) package of POISE® Pads (Not valid on 10ct. Pads)
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) package of POISE® Liners (Not valid on 14-26 ct. Liners)
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) package of DEPEND® Bed Protectors (8 ct. or larger) 
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) package of DEPEND® Underwear (8 ct. or larger) 
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) package of DEPEND® Real Fit® or Silhouette® Product (8 ct. or larger)
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) package of DEPEND® Shields or Guards for Men (8 ct. or larger) 
$5.00 OFF any One K-Y Duration™ Spray for Men 0.16 fl oz (5.0ml) OR 0.36 fl oz (10.8ml)

NEW RedPlum Printable Coupons Sunday 1/29/17
SAVE $0.75 when you buy any ONE (1) BAR-S® Sausage or Hot Link (Any Size/Flavor)
SAVE $1.00 off any TWO (2) packages of Dixie® plates (any size)
SAVE $4.00 when you buy ONE (1) Advil® Cold Sinus or Allergy 10ct or larger Plus ONE (1) Advil® 40ct or larger, Advil®PM 20ct or larger or Children's Advil®
$2.00 OFF Any ONE (1) Noxema® 5 or 4-Blade; Triple Blade (4, 8 or 10 count); Twin Blade (12 count) or Sonic Beauty Wand
$2.00 OFF ANY 120ct POLIDENT® cleanser tablets
$1.00 OFF ANY 2.0oz or larger SUPER POLIGRIP® product
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) ICY HOT®, Aspercreme®, Capzasin®, Arthritis Hot®, or Flexall® Product
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) Unisom® Product
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) GOLD BOND® Product
SAVE $3.00 on any ONE (1) Allegra-D® or Children's Allegra product
SAVE $2.00 on any ONE (1) Nasacort®
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) Cortizone 10® Product (Includes items 1 oz and larger)
SAVE $1.50 on any ONE (1) Kaopectate® Product
SAVE $1.00 on any ONE (1) ACT® Product

NEW SavingStar Cash Back Offers Sunday 1/29/17

This Week's Coupon at Michaels.com

$1.00 Off any ONE (1) Suave Professionals® Gold Hair Care product or treatment 
$1.00 Off any ONE (1) Suave Kids® Hair Care product 
$1.00 Off any ONE (1) Suave® Hair Styling product
$1.00 Off any ONE (1) Suave Men® Hair Care product
STOCKUP DEAL on Suave at Rite Aid 1/29-2/4/17 >>HERE<<

NEW Friday 1/27/17 
SAVE $3.00 on any TWO (2) multipacks of Carnation Breakfast Essentials® Ready-To-Drink bottles 
SAVE $0.75 On any THREE (3) Canine Carry Outs® dog snacks 
SAVE $1.00 On any TWO (2) Pup-Peroni® dog snacks 
SAVE $1.00 On any TWO (2) Milk-Bone® dog snacks 
SAVE $1.00 On any TWO (2) Milo's Kitchen® dog snacks 
SAVE $1.00 On any TWO (2) Milk-Bone®, Pup-Peroni® or Milo's Kitchen® dog snacks
$0.75 OFF any ONE (1) Lime-A-Way® Surface cleaner 
$1.00 OFF any ONE (1) RID-X® Septic System Treatment product
$2.00 off one ANY AZO Product
Save $1.50 Off White Cloud® Bath Tissue (Only at Walmart) 
Save $1.00 Off any White Cloud® GreenEarth® Toilet Paper or Paper Towels (Only at Walmart) 
Save $1.00 Off any White Cloud® Facial Tissue (Only at Walmart)

NEW IBOTTA Cash Back Offers EVERY Thursday!

NEW CHECKOUT51 Cash Back Offers EVERY Thursday!

Checkout 51 Offers

NEW Wednesday 1/25/17
Save $0.75 Off Any One (1) José Olé® Taquito or Snack Item (16 oz. or larger)
SAVE $1.00 on any TWO (2) bowls or boxes of thinkThin® Protein & Fiber Hot Oatmeal
$.75/3 McCormick Dry Seasoning Mixes

Thank you for using my links to support Extreme Couponing Mommy!