Saturday, December 17, 2011

FREE $20 MasterCard Holiday Gift Card

FREE $20 MasterCard Holiday Gift Card
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3
Enroll with your MasterCard.
Shop with your card online between November 15 and December 31, 2011.
After spending $200 online, you'll receive an email confirming your qualification and instructions on how to get your MasterCard gift card or other gifts.
Limited time, limited quantity. Promotion Open to US Residents Only.
To be eligible to receive your MasterCard gift card, simply enroll your MasterCard card. Enter your card number to qualify your online spending, and your email address so you can receive alerts when you've earned your gift.
Use your enrolled MasterCard® card for all your online shopping needs this holiday season, then enjoy your MasterCard gift card.
Starts 11/15/11. Ends 12/31/11 or while supplies last. Offline, PIN-based & international transactions ineligible. Gift Card quantities are limited to the first 80,000 eligible entrants & maximum 10,000 other gifts to next 10,000 eligible entrants. Restrictions apply. Click here for Terms & Conditions & complete details.