Tuesday, January 7, 2014

KMart, CVS & Rite Aid Coupon Policy Changes

This is taken directly from a post from my blogger friend

Yesterday while I was out and about shopping BEFORE the Storm, All three of the stores I went into have new or Changing Coupon policies that I need to update you about! I don't know what's making the stores feel the need to change these policies, but I want to make you an educated shopper so that you can plan accordingly. Arguing with the cashier won't get you anywhere because they are not the ones to make the policy changes. You would need to get in touch with corporate.

This one is in our favor! YIPPEE!!! 

Rite Aid has adjusted their computer system to more easily take the BOGO coupons for us! This will hopefully lesson the likelihood of needing to do a 'POST' transaction coupon. There was a 'pop-up' on the cashiers register screen that basically read that 'if the coupon meets all the requirement, then push here'. So this hopefully means fewer POST coupons!


When you are trying to Earn an ExtraCare Buck from a deal where it says 'Spend $30 Earn $10 EB', You now MUST spend the full $30. You are no longer going to be able to get the EB by being just a  few cents  off. Too many people would get close and be maybe 20 cents away, then the kind cashiers  would give you the EB. But then some would go back  to the store later in the week and pick up the item needed to push it over the limit and they would get another EB. So, since  so many are playing the system, the system has gone to Black & White. You MUST spend at least $30 in order to get the $10 EB. You will no longer be able to get the EB if you get to $29.99.  This became effective Jan 1, 2014!

kmart1And now for the biggest change in the coupon world... 

Kmart is stopping doubling of all coupons effective Jan 11, 2014. 
Why? I don't know. There are signs up by the register in all stores. This is a national event, so ALL stores will be doing it. Supposedly, they will run special days where they will double coupons throughout the year like they used too. This week, Jan 5-10. I had no problems with doubling my coupons yesterday Jan 5. But I forgot to take a pic of the sign so I am borrowing a pic from Cuckoo for Coupon Deals so you can see it for yourself. This is the Same EXACT sign that is being found in ALL Kmart stores. :( I don't know about you, but this really makes me sad. I did a lot of shopping at Kmart, especially for P&G products and toilette paper! lol I will continue to shop there if the rewards make it worth it, but I probably won't be going there as often.