Sunday, July 12, 2015

CHEAP Old El Paso Refried Beans at Tops Markets

CHEAP Old El Paso Refried Beans
Tops Markets Coupon Matchup 7/12 - 7/18/15

Reminder: We are NOT in a GasPoint Earning Period.
Use Up Your Current Tops GasPoints by Sat 7/25 OR YOU LOSE THEM.
Take FULL Advantage of the Discount getting 30 Gallon by taking
gas cans or a second vehicle (just DON'T hand up the nozzle in between).

BUY Old El Paso Refried Beans Reg $1.59
USE $.50/1 ANY OLD EL PASO Refried Beans Printable Mfg Coupon >>HERE<<
Total = $.59
Final Price = ONLY $.09

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