Monday, January 14, 2013

$.30 Shampoo???????????????

$.30 Alberto V05 Clearance Find
BOY did I do a DOUBLE TAKE at KMart Today!!!!!!!!!!
I thought one of the current signs had come down revealing some ancient artifact!
Then I walked the shampoo over to the price checker and LOW AND BEHOLD!!!
$.30 Alberto V05 Shampoo!!!!!!
What throw back!!!
There was a gentleman stocking shelves nearby,
so I walked over to him and asked him if this was correct LOL!!!!!
I was STILL disbelieving!!!!!
He said they wanted to Clearance out the last 4 so I brought the pretty bottles home with me :)
NO Coupon, but NO Worry this time!!!!!!
Even the cashier second guessed it with a shocked look on her face,
complimenting me on my find!
See MORE KMart Hair Care Clearance HERE
Christmas Clearance was at 70% - 75% Off
See ALL My KMart Coupon Matchups 1/13 - 1/19/13 HERE