Rite Aid 50th Anniversary Promotion
2/3 - 3/2/13
Earn a $20.00 UP+ Reward WYS $100 on Participating Products
Earn Extra $10 UP+ Rewards
for every Additional $50 you spend up to $250
for a Total of $50 in UP+ Rewards
You MAY use your UP+ Rewards earned from this promotion
to make purchases towards this promotion.
Meaning... if you earn the 1st $20 UP+, you may use it towards
spending the additional $50 to get your next $10 UP+ Reward
and so on.
Your Wellness Card tracks all your purchases.
You may do this in one transaction, or many over time until 3/2/13.
UP+ Rewards automatically load to your Wellness Card,
and will automatically be deducted from the next qualifying purchase.
UP+ Rewards are Valid for Use after 6am the day after receiving them.
You may use as many (or few) UP+ Rewards on each item, or in a transaction, as you wish! It does NOT matter how many items you have in your transaction, you can have 1 or many.
At Rite Aid you can use an UP+ that you receive on the same exact deal and still get an UP+ back.
UP+ Rewards are Valid for Use after 6am the day after receiving them.
You may use as many (or few) UP+ Rewards on each item, or in a transaction, as you wish! It does NOT matter how many items you have in your transaction, you can have 1 or many.
At Rite Aid you can use an UP+ that you receive on the same exact deal and still get an UP+ back.
IF you wish to have your UP+ Rewards Print at the bottom of your receipt,
like they used to, so you can use them like coupons,
you may have the cashier change your account at the register.
I prefer them to print, because then I can track the Expiration dates better.
UP+ Rewards Expire 2 weeks from the date earned.
If they are on my card, they are too invisible for me.
I also prefer them to print, because then I can use them how I want to.