Friday, January 11, 2013

Glade Clearance Mega Haul at KMart

Glade Clearance Mega Haul at KMart
Remember earlier this week mentioned that Holiday Glade
is on Clearance all around town?
And Check Out the Holiday Glade Clearance Haul done at KMart
by my friend Kelly The Couponing Coach
I now bow down and dub Coach Kelly the KMart Coupon Queen!!!!!!!
Kmart 1-8-13
Paid: $11.50
Saved: $279.25
 Okay, I did it. I cleared the CLEARANCE shelf! BUT only AFTER I asked all the people in the store if I was PERMITTED!!! lol All the Glade scents for Christmas where marked down to $.75/1!!! WOW and there were $1/2 coupons in almost every one of the candle refills that I wanted! My familiy LOVES the candles burning on the fireplace! It is so pretty! Ceili lit them, all 8, the other night! I'll post a pic to show you how pretty! But I really wanted more of these and this was a great and amazing deal!!!
 Coach Kelly